Rydym yn lwcus iawn fel ysgol i gael CRhA cefnogol dros ben. Maent yn gweithio’n eithriadol o galed er mwyn codi arian mawr ei angen, wrth drefnu gweithgareddau cymdeithasol ar gyfer disgyblion, rhieni a’r gymuned ehangach.
Dyma rai o weithgareddau a digwyddiadau maent wedi trefnu:
Noson Gymdeithasol gyda Band – Neuadd Bentref
Ffair Nadolig
Bingo Pasg
Hwyl Haf Pêl Droed
‘Bags 4 Schools’ Ailgylchu Dillad
Taith Gerdded
Mae’r CRhA wedi llwyddo i godi y cyfanswm anhygoel o arian dros y blynyddoedd sydd wedi galluogi i’r ysgol dalu am:
Ymweliad Panto
Drymiau Samba
Offer Gwyddoniaeth
Rhwydi Tenis
Gweithdy Cerddorol
Byrddau picnic
Mae’r CRhA yn cyfarfod yn rheolaidd, o leiaf unwaith bob hanner tymor. Byddai eich cyfraniad tuag at y CRhA yn cael ei werthfawrogi yn fawr ac mae croeso i bob rhiant fynychu’r cyfarfodydd.
We are very lucky to have a very supportive PTA at the school. They work hard to raise much needed funds for the school whilst in the process, organising social events for pupils, parents/carers and the community to take part in.
Some of the activities and events which have been organised include:
Band Night at the Village Hall
Christmas Fair
Easter Bingo
Football Fun Day
Bags 4 Schools Clothing Recycling
Bonus Ball
The PTA have raised an amazing amount of money over the years. This has helped us to fund things such as:
Panto trip to Shrewsbury
Samba Drums
ParentMail App/ Weduc
Science equipment
Tennis nets
Music Workshop
New iPads
Picnic tables
The PTA meet regularly, at least once every half term Your contribution towards the PTA would be very much appreciated and all parents/carers are welcome to attend the meetings.